

The market dynamics that occurred this week scared me, which is something that I haven’t said for a long time. The same charts that I’ve relied on to arrive at bullish conclusions are now telling me to get bearish.

In this video, I explain what they mean and why you need to pay attention to them.

As always, I’ll continue to be adaptable, flexible, and objective.


Caleb Franzen,
Founder of Cubic Analytics

This was a free edition of Cubic Analytics, a publication that I write independently and send out to 12,500+ investors every Saturday. Feel free to share this post!


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This report expresses the views of the author as of the date it was published, and are subject to change without notice. The author believes that the information, data, and charts contained within this report are accurate, but cannot guarantee the accuracy of such information.

The investment thesis, security analysis, risk appetite, and time frames expressed above are strictly those of the author and are not intended to be interpreted as financial advice. As such, market views covered in this publication are not to be considered investment advice and should be regarded as information only. The mention, discussion, and/or analysis of individual securities is not a solicitation or recommendation to buy, sell, or hold said security.

Each investor is responsible to conduct their own due diligence and to understand the risks associated with any information that is reviewed. The information contained herein does not constitute and shouldn’t be construed as a solicitation of advisory services. Consult a registered financial advisor and/or certified financial planner before making any investment decisions.

Each investor is responsible to understand the investment risks of the market & individual securities, which is subjective and will also vary in terms of magnitude and duration.

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