This newsletter will focus on new proprietary research that I have conducted, flashing a rare stock market signal for only the 8th time in 50 years. Historically, these signals have given investors an opportunity to take advantage of market weakness and generate above-average returns over the coming years. In other occasions, the signal indicates that the worst of the pain is not yet over. With this signal flashing for the month of June 2022, this puts us in a critical juncture once again. The signal may also have serious implications that hint towards a coming recession. This is one of the most impactful research studies that I’ve ever published.
I’ll share the forward-returns for the Nasdaq after this signal flashes so that we may analyze average returns and attempt to set baseline expectations for how the stock market may perform going forward. After analyzing this data and the quantitative implications, I’ll be sharing under-the-hood metrics for the S&P 500, and the key charts that I have on my radar going into this week. Specifically, I’ll analyze the S&P 500, gold, and an exclusive Bitcoin relationship that I’ve never shared before that’s providing a critical signal right now.